Just 50 ml of extra virgin olive oil with a high phenolic content is enough to improve endothelial function. The reports on the effects on the cardiovascular system of olive oils should specify the category and characteristics of the product: it is the extra virgin oil with a high phenol content that improves endothelial function. 

The endothelium is similar to a semi-permeable membrane that controls the passage of substances from the extracellular fluid to the bloodstream and vice versa. The endothelium can be considered a real organ, capable of secreting, in response to a great variety of signals, numerous chemical mediators.

extra virgin oilEndothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress represent the main pathophysiological mechanisms of various diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, renal failure and ischemia-reperfusion damage.

It is therefore very important that our endothelium is preserved and protected, safeguarding its health and extra virgin olive oil, is an important ally.
American researchers from the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center compared the effects of high-polyphenol extra virgin olive oil and polyphenol-free olive oil on endothelial (EF) function in adults at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) . According to the American researchers, the reports on the vascular effects and on the cardiovascular system due to the intake of olive oils should specify the characteristics of the product.

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