Grana Padano PDO, with its gainy texture and unmistakable flavour will be part of today’s recipe! This recipe is perfect as a quick appetizer, simple but yet delicious and pretty healthy too. The broccoli cream will mix with the Grana Padano to create an amazing...
Grissini is a special type of bread, born in Turin in the shape of thin, dry and crunchy rods, and therefore more easily digestible, made of leavened bread dough prepared with type 0 and type 00 soft wheat flour, with or without salt, sometimes seasoned with oil or...
Mozzarella Panzerotti are typical of Southern Italy, from Lazio to Sicily, but the best panzerotti are prepared in Campania and Puglia. They are considered a street food, very tasty with simple and genuine ingredients. You can fill the panzerotti with the...
Cheese Soufflè is a very elegant dish of the French culinary tradition that can be both sweet and savory. The cheese soufflé is not as complex as it may seem, in fact, it is made with simple ingredients such as butter, flour, milk and egg yolks, all combined...
Mozzarella stuffed tomatoes are a unique dish made with tomatoes that are stuffed with a tasty filling of rice, basil, and parsley with a heart of Italian streamlined mozzarella to make them even more appetizing. they are a really simple but effective recipe...
Mozzarella in Carrozza Ingredients: 600 gr of White bread in a box 12 slices of buffalo mozzarella Salt 5 Large eggs 100 gr of Flour 00 300 gr of Breadcrumbs Preparation: To prepare the mozzarella in a carriage, cut the...
Bruschetta is an antipasto (starter dish) from Italy consisting of grilled bread rubbed with garlic and topped with olive oil and salt. Variations may include toppings of tomato, vegetables, beans, cured meat, or cheese. Bruschetta is a fresh, simple and delicious...
Rice Arancine are stuffed rice balls, which are coated with breadcrumbs, and fried. Arancini are usually filled with ragù (meat and tomato sauce), mozzarella, and peas. There are a number of local variants that differ in fillings and shape. The name derives from their...
Piadina Romagnola is a thin Italian flatbread, typically prepared in the Romagna region. It is usually made with white flour, lard or olive oil, salt, and water. The dough was traditionally cooked in a terracotta dish, although nowadays flat pans or electric griddles...