If you want to bring to the table a fine dish that knows how to conquer the most demanding palates and delight them with an unmistakable aroma, this first course is just for you!

The truffle fettuccine has a mix of aromas and flavors that your guests will hardly be able to resist. The truffle sauce goes perfectly with dishes with a delicate taste such as risotto or this egg pasta. To maximize the precious taste of the truffle, however, it is necessary to use some accords: it is in fact a rather delicate ingredient to cook and preserve. For the fettuccine that we can offer you use various types of truffles: in this case we have chosen the truffle sauce gold by urbani!

Fettucine with Truffle Sauce Recipe Ingredients

For 9/12 muffins depending on the size you make.


To prepare the truffle fettuccine, start by cleaning the truffle. Rinse it thoroughly under running cold water to remove excess soil, then brush it with a semi-hard brush or a brush to remove all traces of impurities and dry it carefully before slicing, placing it on a cutting board. Slice the truffle into very thin slices with the special truffle cutter and set aside. In a frying pan heat the oil together with the butter and melt the latter over a low heat. Wet the garlic clove (removing the internal sprout) and let it brown in the pan with the oil and melted butter for a few minutes . Then remove it with a fork, turn off the heat and add the previously sliced ​​truffle flakes. Keep some aside for the final decoration of the dish. Leave the sauce to flavor over the heat off by gently mixing the truffle flakes and in the meantime cook the egg fettuccine in plenty of salted water. Drain them al dente and dip them in the truffle-based dressing sauce then mix thoroughly adding, if necessary, some cooking water of the pasta for binding. Serve the dish with plenty of black truffle flakes!

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