Italian Pasta Spaghetti – Garofalo


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The legend says that spaghetti have been introduced by Marco Polo, coming back from China in 1295, even though in a book written by Idrisi in 1154 at the time of Ruggero II of Sicily he mentions Vermicelli, food made of wheat with the shape of thread produced in a city named Trabia near Palermo. Between these two dates many historians found other quotations which confirmed that pasta production was common in Italy. We have the official denomination “spaghetto” in 1819 in the first Italian dictionary: the name spaghetti come from spago (string) because of its shape.

About the Brand

We like to think that the history of Pasta Garofalo lies entirely in the pasta we make, in our know how and constant quest for quality and flavour, in the lines of pasta wrapped in transparent packaging – as transparent as our conviction that knowing how to make pasta is a centuries-old art, the upshot of a story we narrate day by day by what we do and which you can read, every day, in the pasta you eat.



Cooking Time

11 Minutes

8 Minutes for Al Dente


Durum Wheat Semolina, water

For more information about Garofalo and recipes using their products, check out our Italia Regina’s blog here!

Additional information

Weight0.5 kg



Brand of Italian pasta


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