Italian Cheese with Maggengo Hay – 80 gr


  • Italian high quality cheese
  • Piedmont origin
  • ,Maggeno Hay
  • 800 gr

6 in stock

SKU: beppino-occelli-maggengo-hay Categories: , Brand:


This cheese is produced from cow  milk from animals that are free to move around and feed on summer meadows. It is aged for at least five months in the Valcasotto cellars and has a hard consistency. It is then refined for two more months in Langa vineyards where it is enriched with .

About the Brand

The fruitful relationship between man and the environment, between Beppino Occelli, the Langhe and the mountain pastures, is created and developed above all in the name of milk. No matter whether it is cow’s, sheep’s or goat’s milk, it’s always delicious, because the final properties of the butter and the cheeses are closely linked to the goodness and freshness of the milk. This is why Beppino Occelli’s “milky way” follows flocks and herders on the Langa farms, roaming the valleys of Cuneo, as far as the pastures of Castelmagno and of Valgrana, reaching Valcasotto where the best wheels of great mountain cheeses are finally left to cure and ripen in the old aging cellars. The gestures are those of always, gained from experience. In order to guarantee this fresh, delicious, safe and reliable milk, Beppino Occelli has cows, sheep and goats that graze in the Langhe and on the pastures of the Alps of Cuneo.




Cow‘s milk, goat‘s milk, salt, rennet wrapped in hay, beer 

For more information about Beppino Occelli and recipes using their products, check out our Italia Regina’s blog here!

Better to buy

Because these products are temperature sensitive, we suggest to buy from September to May.
To preserve the high quality of our products we’ll deliver cheese only from Monday to Wednesday.

Additional information

Weight0.08 kg

Quantity of product

80 gr

Available in


Beppino Occelli

Brand of Italian cheese


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